Practice Area Category: Car Accidents

$1.25 Million

Our client was an 18-year-old passenger in a pick-up truck driving down a dirt road. The driver lost control of the truck, swerved, and crashed head-first into a tree. Our client suffered horrific injuries, including a spiral fracture to his leg, a fractured knee cap, and lacerations across his head….

$1.0 Million

T-Bone Motor Vechicle Accident With Smaller Property Damage


Policy limit recovery for auto-pedestrian collision.


Our client was driving his pick-up truck in Douglas County, Georgia when a commercial truck ran through a stop sign and t-boned his vehicle off the road and into a ditch. The impact caused serious injuries to his neck, and ultimately resulted in him having a cervical fusion surgery. The…


In 2020, our client was sitting at a red-light just outside the Bridge Mill subdivision in Canton, GA when she noticed an ambulance driving down Bells Ferry road in the opposite direction from her. The ambulance approached the intersection facing a red light. At that same time, a Hyundai sedan…


Our client, a young PT student studying in Savannah, Georgia, was a front-seat passenger in a ford truck driving near Augusta when an individual turned left in front of the car she was riding in. As a result of the crash, our client's right arm and right pinky were fractured. …


In 2020, our client was a passenger in an Uber when his vehicle was rear-ended by a van. The impact caused serious injuries to his neck, and, after several rounds of treatment through injections, he ultimately underwent a neck surgery. Despite arguments from the defense that his injuries were pre-existing,…


Our client James, a store manager at a Trader Joes near Atlanta, was out in the store’s parking lot directing traffic while a tractor trailer truck was delivering good to the store. He was wearing a bright red shirt and was 6’3’’ tall. While directing traffic, a lady who was…


CC. was driving on Cumming Highway in Canton, Georgia when she was rear-ended by an individual who was distracted. The impact caused crystal severe injuries to her neck, including multiple disc herniations. Our efforts in litigation resulted in a recovery of all available insurance for CC.